Why should you invest in custom portraiture?

Sunday, September 28, 2008

6 days young . . .

Have you all missed me? :) I've been away for a few days, but with good reason! I've had five sessions since yesterday morning! Yes, five! Definitely busy, but lovin' every minute of it.

Meet Baby Addison - only six days old. You all know how much I love newborns. If I don't have one for a few weeks, I think I start to have withdrawal symptoms!! Addison was so good to me! Awake for a while and then slept like a champ. I don't normally preview this many pics, but I just couldn't help myself!
A mother's love . . .
I've tried for the past few newborn sessions to do a shot like this one. It's really hard to get a newborn's head to balance on their arms like that. It felt so good to finally succeed. I told ya - Addison was good to me!

Look at those sweet, smooshy lips!

I got this material specifically with this session in mind. So glad I did!
Adorable . . .
I love this one!


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