Here's one to tide you all over from my sessions this weekend. Off to place an order, then I'll be back on with sneak peaks from all my weekend sessions.
Here are some images from my last two sessions. Enjoy!
We were battling the cold here, but we got some great images in a short amount of time. Paxton - I hope your Happy Meal was good!
9 month old Loollie is a dream to photograph. She is always all smiles. Ok, maybe I should add that her name is really Lillie, but Brooklyn was helping me during the shoot and kept telling "Loolie" to smile! Too cute!
Here are images from the rest of my sessions this weekend and yesterday. Enjoy!
Meet 5 month old Kyler. Love the name!
Grandma - this one's for you! Look at those lashes! Meet Hayden and his Mom. They are such a gorgeous family. Really stylish too! Love, love, love this one!!!
And this one too!!! And this one - ok, I have so many favorites from this session!
You'd never guess that is was 4o degrees outside, would ya? Boys! These images are so special to me because now as the mother of a boy, I know just how beautiful the bond between Mom and Son is. Happy Birthday, Dylan! Dylan just turned one!
What? A picture of a baby crying??? Well, if you know me, it's all about capturing intimate moments for you, and I think this is a great one!
I am a mom to two beautiful children, a wife to one great man, and a woman who is discovering her passion for photography each and every day. The saying, "Find a job that you love, and you'll never work a day in your life," is so true. I LOVE capturing memories that will tell a family's story for years to come. I love meeting new people and sharing in their lives even if just for a little while. This work is so rewarding. Thanks for letting me do it! Please don't be scared to leave a comment. I love reading them!